"dee arr vee see"

Kamusta! 🇵🇭 I'm Daniel. Just a somebody who's doing something, just for fun. :P

📖 diary


Hello world! Welcome to my very first log in this diary out of seven, as an assignment for my 21st Century subject. Our teacher said to use Facebook to post our stuff, but that's boring. I want to make my own website, where I can do whatever I want with it! I have actually been meaning to create this website for a while now, but only just now have gotten motivated to do so. I had been procrastinating on it for far too long... As you can see, things look currently barebones around here. Mainly because I am unsure as to how I should style it, and also it's midnight as i'm working on this site. Maybe tommorow I could fix it up a bit. Well, that's it for my first log. See you in the next one, if I am not dead by then!


Still alive, second log! Nothing much has happened. A pretty lazy day, just watching and listening to stuff on YouTube. I dont really have much motivation to do stuff right now, but did try working on improving this site a little bit. That's it for the second log.


Oops, forgot to make a log yesterday... Oh well, it wasn't that particularly interesting. It was another lazy day. For this day, my parents and I went to a park tonight. There were plently of people and kids playing around. There were also some equipment around to help you exercise in public. Also, I've been thinking about how I should make my site look, doing a little mockup. Quite unsure as to how I'd want it to look... Welp! That's my third log, haha.


Still the same stuff today! Nothing interesting happening over here, haha. Well okay that's kind of a lie, my aunt did win a big pack of rice and an electric kettle, so there is that. Still pretty lazy. Just watching anime and other stuff. Also, apparently the first episode for Re:Zero's 3rd season just released tonight. I'd really like to watch it but I don't really wanna stay up all night to watch the entire 1 hour and 30 minutes of it... I also have school tommorow... So uhh yeah, that's the fourth log. Yep.


I now realize I don't really have much to talk about with my life. I don't really do much, haha. Maybe I could try getting into photography again. I began taking pictures quite often with my Sony DSC-W800 back when the pandemic was still in full swing, mainly because I literally had nothing else to do other than be on my laptop. It does get boring being chronically online after some time, especially when I had a lot more free time on my hands. It was pretty fun taking pictures of my pets and other random stuff. I occasionally find myself browsing through the images I've taken, and makes me somewhat sad and scared of how much have things changed in such a short amount of time. Some of my pets in these photos have long gone, including my favorite dog. Also, I forgot to make a log yesterday again. Whoopsies. I watched the first episode of Re:Zero's 3rd season. It looks like the beginning of something very terrible and traumatizing. Can't wait for later episodes! Well uhhh, that's the fifth. :P